Tonmeistertagung 2023
8. - 11.11.2023

Held every two years, the event has become a key networking arena for audio professionals from a wide variety of fields, scientists, students and manufacturers. In addition to its high-calibre programme of congress, the event features a vibrant industrial fair, which can be accessed with a lower-priced day ticket of just 30 Euro. And it is at this industrial fair that we would like to invite you to meet our friendly team of experts and get hands-on with our industry-leading solutions. So, come and join us at our demo room located at stand number #62.
This year, the Genelec demo room highlight will be a stereo pair of our recently launched, highly acclaimed 5-way 8381A Adaptive Point Source Main Monitors. So, make sure to drop by for this unmissable experience! In addition to stereo, the pair of 8381As will also work as the right and left channels of a 7.1.4 immersive audio system, which is completed by models from our renowned The Ones Series. So, there’s also an opportunity to listen to and analyse immersive productions at the highest level.
We have a full, yet slightly variable, programme for each day of Tonmeistertagung, so feel free to check the schedule below and pick the best day for you. Alongside the 8381A, we will also present our new 9320A SAM Reference Controller, Aural ID version 2.0 and GLM software version 5 in detail, which are all part of our UNIO Audio Monitoring Platform. Additionally, we will also present an entirely new device – exclusively at TMT – which is an ideal bridging interface for many applications, especially in the broadcast sector, so look out for that! Finally, we’ll be welcoming several special guest speakers, who will cover a wide range of topics from room acoustics and hip-hop to sound design and the mixing of Oscar-winning film ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’.
For those with a regular Congress ticket, you’ll find a second even larger immersive system of ours, also using two 8381As in the front, in lecture room R16 for the presenters of the official lecture programme.
Here is the programme for our demo room (accessible with the 30 Euro Industry Fair ticket):
Daily: Stereo and Immersive listening sessions, short presentations on 8381A, 9320A, Aural ID 2.0, GLM 5, UNIO platform.
Wednesday, 12:00: Dolby Atmos Music with Genelec.
Wednesday, 16:00: Dolby Atmos Studio Design presented by Dolby.
Thursday, 11:00: Acoustic design for immersive spaces with KOST Design.
Thursday, 15:00: Professional planners meet Genelec with SMM.
Friday, 12:00: Auralisation of a concert hall with KOST Design.
Friday, 15:00: Immersive audio in higher education with SMM.
Friday, 16:00: Artist listening session: Thomas Lemmer with “Hope”.
Saturday, 11:00: Hiphop production session with Juh Dee.
Saturday, 12:00: "All quiet on the western front" with Frank Kruse.
We are also represented in the congress programme by Thomas Lund and Eric Horstmann:
Thursday at 10:00 in R13
Auditory Envelopment and Affective Touch Hypothesis (English)
In this technical lecture, Thomas Lund discusses why enveloping the listener in sound might evoke particular physical reactions.
Thursday at 11:30 in R2
Mixing in Dolby Atmos - how pros can use the format creatively (English)
Discussion on the use of the Dolby Atmos format in different applications. Eric Horstmann reports on his experiences in the field of immersive music mixing.
Thursday at 15:30 in R16
The Inception Dilemma (3D Audio Workshop, English), Thomas Lund
How do you deal with the phenomenon of a room within a room in professional audio production - the fact that a playback room influences the perception of the actual spatiality of a production.
Friday at 10:00 in R15
Mixing Workflow für Dolby Atmos Musik Produktionen
Using current electronic and hip-hop productions, Eric Horstmann shows how he creatively uses the Dolby Atmos format in music mixing.
You can find all information about Tonmeistertagung and book tickets here: